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Welcome to Johnson City Schools
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Science Hill High School’s career & technical education (CTE) programs of study are meant to provide a relevant framework of industry aligned, rigorous courses that progress a student in knowledge and skills year after year.
Click to view start times for our elementary schools, middle schools and high school.
We offer competitive athletic teams in middle school and high school in a variety of sports.
Johnson City Schools is home to Science Hill High School, one of the top performing high schools in the state, according to U.S. News and World Review
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By the Numbers
Total students enrolled district-wide
National Merit Finalists from Science Hill since 2019
Home languages spoken
Advanced Placement courses offered at Science Hill
Career and Technical Education programs of study offered
Johnson City Schools named Reward Schools by TDOE
1 of 8
School districts in Tennessee with an ACT average above 21.5
Meals served during school year