Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
Johnson City Board of Education
Jonathan Kinnick, Chair |
Paula Treece, Vice Chair |
Rick Smith, Secretary |
Dr. Ginger Carter, Board Member |
Tom Hager, Board Member |
Kathy Hall, Board Member |
Celia Martin, Board Member |
Student Board Members
Kate Carter, Senior Student Board Member
During the 2023-2024 school year the Johnson City Board of Education added a student board member to join them for their meetings. This is a non-voting position, but helps provide student perspective to the board as they make decisions. During the first year, they decided to have a student board member and a junior board member that can take the reigns as the senior graduates.
The public shall be given an opportunity to address the Board at each regularly scheduled monthly Board meeting about items on that month’s agenda. Public comments will only be allowed during the 30 minutes open for public comment designated and the total of the allocated time will be thirty (30) minutes.
Remarks will be limited to three (3) minutes unless time is altered by the Board. No speaker may yield their time to another speaker.
Only those persons who are currently enrolled or have children currently enrolled in Johnson City Schools, are currently employed by the System, are residents of the City of Johnson City or are bona fide property taxpayers to the City of Johnson City will be allowed to address the Board during the public comments section of the agenda.
If an individual wishes to address the Board they must complete and submit the required form by the end of the last business day before the day of the board meeting. Delegations must select only one individual to speak on their behalf unless otherwise allowed by the Board. For more information, please review Board Policy 1.404.
To address the Johnson City Board of Education, please read, complete and submit the "Request to Address the Johnson City Board of Education" form.
Important Links
Board Meetings
The Johnson City Board of Education meets on the first Monday of each month at Columbus Powell, 100 E. Maple Street.
Five Year Plans
Last Updated: January 7, 2024
Web Page Editor: Tracey Coffey