Title IIA
Dr. Renee Wood, Supervisor of Elementary Schools and Federal Programs
Patti Fatherree, Federal Programs Secretary
Phone: (423) 434-5220
Fax: (423) 218-0549
Title IIA - Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals
High-quality teaching and learning requires a diverse cohort of educators, including teachers, principals, and other school leaders, to be prepared and supported to meet the many challenging demands that they and their students face, particularly underserved students and students of color. The continuum of the educator profession and associated opportunities to support educators, from recruitment through career advancement, may be viewed broadly as five interrelated steps that build upon one another. Title IIA funds support the following in the Johnson City School System:
Multiple Pathways to Teaching and Leading
Induction and Mentorship
Meaningful Evaluation and Support
Strong Teacher Leadership
Transformative School Leadership
Educator Equity
Increasing Student Achievement
Building Systems of Support for Excellent Teaching and Leading
Last Updated: September 5, 2024