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CEP Household Survey

CEP Household Survey (English)

CEP Household Survey (Spanish)


Johnson City Schools is very pleased to inform our families that beginning immediately all enrolled students at the following schools will have access to free breakfast and free lunch each school day. These schools are:

Cherokee Elementary

Fairmont Elementary

Mountain View Elementary

North Side Elementary                                                       

South Side Elementary

Towne Acers Elementary

Woodland Elementary*

Lake Ridge Elementary*

*Students in the paid pre-k program at Woodland and Lake Ridge are not eligible for this benefit as they are not officially enrolled students in the PowerSchool SIS.


This program is made possible through the USDA’s Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) allowing these students access to free meals. This Program will operate for the 2024-2025 school year. Johnson City Schools will assess the financial feasibility of continuing and/or expanding the program for future school years in the spring.

The Johnson City Schools Food Service Department is federally funded through the United States

Department of Agriculture (USDA) by participation in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. The department does not receive local funding and sufficiently operates eleven school kitchens generating operating funds through federal reimbursement for meals served to students.  Our goal is to always offer our students and families the best possible benefits and we believe this will be a tremendous immediate financial assistance.